冠一科仪(集团)有限公司(One Measurement Group Limited)总部设在香港,成立于2006年。北京冠一科仪商贸有限公司为冠一科仪(集团)有限公司设立在北京的全资子公司,主要负责运动生物力学设备。 冠一科仪(集团)有限公司自2009年成为美国AMTI公司在中国大陆地区及香港地区的独家代理商,负责所有AMTI产品在该区域的销售及服务工作。AMTI膝(髋)关节模拟试验机可复制日常生活(ADLs)中的加载和全范围多轴运动,给评定膝(髋)关节假体的材料和结构设计提供一个逼真的系统。AMTI的VIVO关节运动模拟机,提高了模拟的真实性。它提供了逼真的全身关节模拟,如,膝,髋,肩,颞下颌,肘,踝及脊柱的关节运动。先进的控制能力和大范围的活动度,使其可以模拟很多日常生活的运动。
One Measurement Group Limited, headquarters in Hong Kong, and founded in 2006.Beijing One Measurement Trading Limited is the wholly owned subsidiary of One Measurement Group Limited in Beijing, mainly in charge of sports biomechanics equipment. One Measurement Group Limited is the sole distributor in Hong Kong and Mainland China of America AMTI Company, in charge of sales and service of all AMTI products in the area. AMTI knee (hip) simulator can replicate Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) in the full range of multi-axis motion and loading, to provide a realistic system for evaluating the material and structural design of the knee joint prosthesis. VIVO simulator of AMTI improves the accuracy of simulation. It provides a realistic simulation of joints such as the knee, hip, shoulder, temporomandibular, elbow, ankle and spine joint movement. Advanced control capabilities and a wide range of motion, so that it can simulate a lot of daily life movement.
联系我们: 邓园园 冠一科仪(集团)有限公司 One Measurement Group Ltd. 北京冠一科仪商贸有限公司 地址:北京市朝阳区望京南湖中园知语城311号楼1单元803室 邮编:100102 电话:010-64736970;64300383 传真:010-64300382-26 Skype:molly19911015 电邮:molly@omgl.com.cn 网站:http://www.omgl.com.cn