DOT GmbH确定参加BoneTec-China 2014 并作演讲
DOT GmbH was established in February 1992 in Rostock as a coating company by two physicists and two engineers. The founders had long standing industrial and scientific competence in the field of coating and materials technology. This expertise was the cornerstone for the successful development of the company. DOT is one of the leading companies in the field of medical coating technology for implants and instruments and also their cleanroom packaging. The development and manufacture of implants and "regenerative medicine" products for dental and orthopedic applications are further of fields of activity where DOT employees make their committed contribution to a better quality of life.
DOT is an innovative medical technology company. In the business area of medical implants and associated instruments, we are a leading industry supplier for integrated outsourcing solutions. In the business area of biomaterials, we are developing and manufacturing products of regenerative medicine. Our company helps to re-establish patient's health world-wide and thus contributes substantially to the improvement of the quality of life.
DOT GmbH在大会上演讲的主题是
New Titanium-Copper-Surfaces - Prevention of bacterial infection: effectiveness and safety in- vivo studies
EN:CV Cornelia Prinz
Born on August 13 st, 1964
1984 Certificate as Lab assistant in medicine, University Greifswald
1981-2000 Lab assistant in medicine, clinical centre Rostock
2002 Master of Arts Environmental Management, University of Rostock; Thesis:
“Placement and acquisition of necessary skills/ competencies for sustainable development”
Since 2005 scientific assistant Research & Development, DOT GmbH Rostock
2010 Dr. agr. in Agricultural Economics / Life Sciences, University of Rostock; Thesis
: “Antimicrobial improvement of implant surfaces”
Antibacterial coatings can reduce infection-related complications for implants. Copper(Cu) has antibacterial properties and is easily deposited on metal surfaces, but is also cytotoxic. However, in moderate concentrations copper can prevent bacterial infections without having strong cytotoxic effects. In order to test this hypotheses appropriate studies where designed.
At first the effect of copper ions against bacteria was evaluated in-vivo. The results verify, that a copper concentration of 1.0 µg/mm² and higher can protect the surface against bacterial infectionn. Furthermore, the outcomes reveal that copper has a high potential to enhance wound healing. To examine the balance between antibacterial action and adverse tissue effects, the second study investigated the in-vivo Cu release from the coating and the corresponding potential acute local inflammatory reactions. The Ti-Cu implants caused a moderately increased inflammatory response in the early post-implantation phase in coomparison to the Ti- controls, with both implants showing similar increasing tissue reactions in the acute phase. Additionally, the influence of Cu-release on bone cells was studied in a Rabbit Model. As revealed, higher Cu concentrations lead to more signs of cellular reactions, whereas moderate concentrations of about 1.0 µg/mm² showed results similar to the control group without Cu.
BoneTec-China 2014 作为国内骨科内植物与生物材料领域最专业会议与展览,目前已经确定来自美国、法国、德国、韩国等多家企业参会参展。来自国内的多家医院、科研机构、投融资机构也纷纷报名参会。
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